Thursday, December 19, 2019

Activity December 19th

Today's activity is going to be ward hosted. They will be playing Christmas games with us. Then, we will have a very special visitor! Hope you all can make it!

Our next activity will be January 9th.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nov 7th Activity

Tonight is Class Night!  YAY!  The YW will be making a fun fall craft.  The YM have something fun planned also.  Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome to another fabulous year of Special Needs Mutual!  We love spending time with you all!  Members only, please go to this link to fill out the info for the member and to sign your authorization for us to interact and take care of your special person.  Thank you so much!  

Members can be dropped off and meet up with their friends at 6:50pm.  Please do not send them earlier as we will be setting up for the evening and friends will not be there to greet them yet.  Thanks!

You can click here for our calendar for the year.  Please note that changes happen all the time.  So, please check back often.  The blog will be updated regularly with weekly activity info.  We recommend you sign up for notifications.

YW Pres, Racquel Augat
YM Pres, Mike West
All the SNM Leadership

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SNM Friends ONLY

Dear Friends of SNM!  

We are so excited you accepted this calling and are looking forward to a great year of service and friendship with our special needs members.

Please go to this link to enter your personal information.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Activity Schedule for May

  • This week, May 2nd, we are having class night!  Our last one for the year.  Our advisors love their time with all our members and love to share positive messages and fun.  See you all there!
  • May 9th we will help the SNM members make a Mother's Day gift to give to their mothers on Sunday, the 12th.  It will be a fun night!
  • May 16th will be our closing class socials.  Each class will have a "Goodbye" party.  It's coming so fast!
  • May 23rd will be our End of Year Closing Social/Testimony Meeting.  Sunday dress is requested.  This is my favorite every year!  Parents are invited.
  • May 30th - no activity - Jordan School District Graduation.  See you all in September!

Easter activity pic

A cute pic of Brad enjoying the Easter activity hosted by the HP2nd Ward.